"Life's great lesson"

15 May 2011

It is said that by living you learn from life's great lessons
But so far none of what I've learnt is fair
Everything I try to do right
I get insulted for my efforts

It doesn't seem to matter that I was trying to be considerate
Respectful to myself and others around me
If I say 'Please' or 'May I' or 'Thank you'
I'm laughed at for being old-fashioned

It doesn't seem to matter that I'm trying to be modest
Trying to keep myself mine; and mine alone
But if I don't flaunt myself in low-cut t-shirts and mini-shorts
I'm called oppressed and ugly

It doesn't seem to matter that I'm trying to be responsible
Trying to keep someone from acting stupid
If I don't join in and act like an idiot
I'm teased for being a chicken and a coward

It doesn't seem to matter that I'm trying to shape my future
Trying to get the most out of life
If I stay home to study or do well in class
I'm bullied for being a 'nerd' and 'know-it-all'

It doesn't seem to matter that I'm trying to be kind
By helping the dyslectic kid at school
If I explained something to her, or told her an eleusive answer
I was abandoned by my friends for being a 'softie'

It doesn't seem to matter that I'm trying to be merciful
Forgiving those who have offended me
If I smiled kindly and told them 'don't worry about it'
I'm met with sarcasm, mockery and scorn

It doesn't seem to matter what I do
Society dictates otherwise
Kindness, mercy, modesty and true friendship don't exist
In its place rule peer pressure, popularity and anarchy


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