50,000 words. One Month. It's NaNoWriMo!

31 Oct 2013

It's close to midnight, and NaNoWriMo's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight, your lack of outline almost stops your heart
You will not scream, your inspiration comes because you'll make it
You cannot freeze, your novel looks you right between the eyes
You're energized
'Cause this is NaNo-oooo! NaNo night!
And no one's gonna save you from the plot about to strike
You know it's NaNo! NaNo night!
You're writing for your life to share a marvel, novel tonight!
As of midnight last night, Nanowrimo2013 has officially begun. If you are participating in Nanowrimo this year, I wish you an abundance of words. If you're not, SIGN UP NOW
I guess I better explain for those that don't know about it. Nanowrimo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The whole principle behind it to write 50,000 words in the month of November. That's the goal. You can write poems, a novel, a collection of short stories. You could write 50,000 words of advertisements if you wanted to. All that matters is that you write 50,000 words. 
I wrote When There's No Tomorrow for Nanowrimo2011. I finalised it and redrafted it in Nanowrimo2012. If I hadn't participated in Nanowrimo, I probably wouldn't have published a book by now. I wouldn't have even finished one. This year I'm working on the sequel to When There's No Tomorrow. And, at 12:15 this morning I wrote my opening paragraph: 
In the stories, you wake up slowly. Eyelids flutter, or a finger twitches. Someone close by bends over you, stroking back your hair and whispering comforts in your ear. You don’t wake up screaming.
Chills down the spine! Needless to say, I love this challenge. Nanowrimo is a highlight of my year. I've got myself booked to go to an author talk tomorrow so I'm hoping to pick up some tips for adventure writing. I'm also planning on going to the write-in (nano writing groups) every Saturday at the local library. I get more social interaction in the month of November than I do the rest of the year.
So, considering I just wrote 274 words in this blog post when I could have put them towards my novel, I better go start working on that. I'll keep you updated as to my progress. 
Keep writing!


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